Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Liberal Challange

Come On all you Libs Commet!Do not have anything original to say?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seniors Beware

Seniors Beware Well the people we vote into office are at it again!Taking the constitution and blatantly ignoring it, I am speaking of course of the first amendment, you know that thing we cherish most; Free Speech!They have voted to put a gag order on companies that provide Medicare.We are useless as citizens,we seniors really do not count!One of these companies sent a letter out to its subscribers,telling seniors that if this health care bill is passed your services will be cut to pay for the supposed 40 million uninsured,(sure and I have a bridge for you to buy).
What are we to do as a very powerful voting block.We need to call,write,fax and any other idea you have to tell these guys that work for us that we will not take it anymore!We all need to make this a number one priority!We will not be marginalized as Americans,tell some of the powerful print media that alot of us subscribe to after we reach 55.You know who I am taking about,AARP has told many non truths and they need to also be put in their place.They are supporting this President for a reason,wonder what that could be?How far left do you want this country to go?Time to let them all know that you do not bite the hand that feeds you!